SheRecovers Coach and Family Constellations Facilitator

Monterey, California

Risa Tapales is a Life, Recovery Coach and Family Constellations Facilitator whose desire for supporting others on their path is largely informed by her own recovery for the last seventeen years.

While she may still utilize creative processes such as vision boards and journaling as a way of finding clarity and ease, Risa now offers painting with Family Constellations. She believes that art brings a sacredness to connecting within and moving through issues. "This is how we transform pain into unique creative expression," she firmly believes. On the canvas, Risa facilitates the uncovering of traumas and bringing them back to their rightful place of belonging in the individual's ancestry. 

She has trained with Barbara Whiteside in Systemic Family Constellations as well as studied with Emily Blefeld and Dan Cohen in quantum release, ancestral healing, myth, magic and mystery. She is additionally Certified as a Professional Recovery Coach, She Recovers Coach, Creatively Fit Coach, and is a Reiki Level II Practitioner.