“Any kind gesture which pulls another living soul out of despair is indistinguishable from magic ”


Let me walk with you on the path to your new life. We'll fill up a toolkit with art and explore your family constellations together.

  • Family Constellations, also known as systemic constellations, is a therapeutic approach that explores the hidden dynamics within a family or other social system. It draws from the understanding that there is a family energy field established in the lineage that may negatively impact our present lives. Such “carry overs” may appear as trauma or repetitive unhealthy patterns to the client in the present day. Once these are uncovered and made to rest where they rightfully belong in the past, freedom and ease of living are achieved.

  • As a coach, I provide support for women who are navigating their way through life as they establish and maintain healthy lifestyle habits while learning new behaviors in a world that begs us to keep safe. Because I share from my own experiences, I know I can meet you right where you are - spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Just as I have found a path from where I draw and maintain my wellness, I can be with you as you embark upon yours.

    My services are focused on helping you bring clarity to your daily life. We will journal, paint and make vision boards as a soothing practice and you will learn to stay present and true to yourself. We might also explore your Family Constellations on the canvas where you can invite support from your ancestors and watch your healing unfold. You will be amazed by the unique masterpiece that is soulfully, creatively you!

    Together, we will make certain that you are equipped enough to find and follow your own individualized pathway and patchwork of recovery. Are you willing to go to any length to find wellness? That mindset, more than anything, will lend itself to your success!